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Franz.-Deutscher Hundeclub e.V.
Prèsident: Michael Kraft
7, rue des Aigles
F 67930 Beinheim/Elsaß
Tel. & Fax: 0033-388 863 633
e-mail: ccfa-beinheim@orange.fr
Vereinssitz: F 67930 Beinheim
eingetragen im: Tribunal d'Instance
F 67161 Wissembourg
Registre des Associations
Volume XV feuillet N° 47
JSN Epic provides unique mechanism of installing sample data on directly your current website. Just few clicks and the demo website is here.
In addition to comprehensive documentations in PDF format, you also get support from friendly forum and dedicated support system.
Native RTL support means that every elements on the page is mirror swapped including layout, menus, typography, icons...everything.